

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Angela - Class of 2016 - Southern Utah Photographer

This girl is a CLASSIC beauty. She just has a timeless look about her and as a plus she has the most adorable personality!!
Angela is so amazing and we got along really great! She is interested in photography as well so we had a lot to chat about when it came to what she had learned so far. She is on the high school's yearbook staff and is enjoying that right now. She also is the Princess for her city royalty and that comes with a lot of responisbility to do events and things and she has done a fabulous job with those as well.
Angela is such a down to earth person and I'm so glad that I know her!! Enjoy these beautiful pictures of her!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Cassie - Class of 2016 - Southern Utah Senior Photographer

I have loved getting to know Cassie!
I met Cassie at my St. George Senior Model Open house that I did in May of this year.
I am soooooooooooo thankful that she chose to join me as one of my Senior Models! And obviously, she is killing it as a model!! 
A little bit about Cassie:
Her favorite colors are white, coral and purple. She wants to be an interior designer, and she loves anything to do with creativity! She introduced me to this amazing place called Charming Charlie's (seriously go check it out!) and her favorite food is Bacon! (seriously a girl after my own heart! I could eat bacon all day!) 
When I asked her what was one thing she couldn't live without she said "Books!"

I love this girl and I know that she is headed and destined for great things!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ellie - Class of 2015 - Southern Utah Senior Photographer

It feels so good to get back into doing sessions now that my baby girl is older!!
If you want to just be overloaded with her cuteness you can follow my personal account on instagram @bntstout

I cannot say enough about this girl.
She is so kind. And SO fun to be around. I'm am soooooooooooooooo excited that she chose me to do her senior pictures!!
Ellie is involved in executive council, golf, and volleyball. She went to Nationals for Girls State (That is a big deal) and she plays the piano, guitar, and the ukulele. She wants to be lawyer when she grows up and I know that she is going to rock at everything she does! 
When we were deciding on where to do her senior pictures, I suggested that we do some in Zion National park because she loved to go hiking there. I'm so glad that she was on board with it too because I love how they turned out! After we were done in the actual park, we did some in Springdale and it was fun because she was a total celebrity with all the tourists walking around!

Here is a video of a few of her images!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

10 Reasons to get your Senior Portraits done in the Fall - Southern Utah Senior Photographer

Hey Guys!!
I'm busy getting ready for baby girl to come and I thought I would just drop a quick little note to you!

After I have my baby, I'm ready to jump back into photography full force and I have such great ideas and goals!!

So today we're talking about why you should get your Senior photos done in the Fall. I want to encourage my clients…and potential clients…to book their High School Senior Portraits either the summer before or the fall of their Senior year (Summertime won't work for me this year, but next year for sure!).    For some reason, most people have a hard time grasping that concept… so I've decided to put together a list of reasons WHY!!

8. The weather is perfect!
I know what you are thinking, "It can still be hot in August and September!" BUT, with the timing of perfect lighting, we are shooting when the temperature is just right. Not too hot, and not chilly either! And the angles of the sun are much more pleasing!

7. Colors
In the fall, you can have gorgeous greens, and luscious yellows, reds, and oranges. If you wait until the spring, colors are just barely peeking out and everything still looks kind of dead from Winter. That's one of the main reasons I love shooting in the fall!

6. Spring weather
It can be so unpredictable!! I know this past spring I had to reschedule quite a few sessions because it was raining. Also, it seems to be so much more windy in the Spring. (Just my opinion! haha even though it seems like it's ALWAYS windy!)

5. Students don't change THAT much between Fall and Spring....especially at this age. Yes, hairstyle may be a little different, clothes preferences may change, but for the most part...the students still look like themselves!

4. The student will have a tan!! I know it may seem like a little detail, but just a little "sun kissed skin" will have you feel a little more confident. I commonly get asked, "can you make me a little more tan?" LOL 

3. Most people don't think about doing senior portraits until Spring, so photographers get booked full pretty quickly! If you're set on getting a certain photographer you love, you could run the risk of not being able to get a session with them. And you wouldn't want that.

2. If you get your senior portraits in the Fall, you'll have beautiful, professional photos of yourself to use and show off all year long! Applications, auditions... Facebook... You know. If you're going to get them done anyway, why wait all those months? I have had clients tell me they were so glad they did their senior session early because they had no idea they would need the images so often throughout their senior year.

1. And drumroll....... You will be crazy busy in the Spring! April and May are busy months for Seniors and you will want to get those graduation announcements out in time! And you will want to be able to just enjoy the last month of your Senior year and have all of the pictures and announcements taken care of!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Class of 2015 Senior Contest!! *CLOSED*

You guys! I'm so excited about this!
This is something that I'm starting this year and hopefully will continue to do through out the years!
So this is how it's going to go:
All I need you to do is to vote on which Senior session if your favorite! You can come back and vote everyday, but the final votes will be tallied at midnight on Saturday!
So for you Seniors, make sure you share with all your friends and family and have them all vote!!

Be prepared for an overload of awesome-ness!! All of these kids are so great!!

There will be 4 prizes. First place will get first choice, Second place will get second choice, etc.
1. Framed 11X14 portrait (value of $225)
2. 11X14 Canvas Print (value of $110)
3. A $50 prepaid visa card
4. $25 in cash

You can vote ONCE PER DAY!!
Contest Ends SUNDAY MAY 3rd at MIDNIGHT!!
Winners announced Monday May 4th!!!

Thank you to everyone who voted!!
The winners are:
1st Place: Kelli 
2nd Place: Brooke
3rd Place: Lindsay
4th Place: Shaylee
I will be texting/emailing you or feel free to text me! (435)703-5607
Congrats gals!!!

Brooke - See the rest of her session here

Lindsay - See the rest of her session here

Madison - See the rest of her session here

Trista - see the rest of here session here

Alex - See the rest of his session here

Shelby - See the rest of her session here

Caitlyn - See the rest of her session here

Shaylee - See the rest of her session here

Ashlynn - See the rest of her session here

Savannah - See the rest of her session here

Jayden - See the rest of his session here

Kelli - See the rest of her session here

Jefferson - See the rest of his session here

Spencer - See the rest of his session here

Jacob - See the rest of his session here

Kristen - See the rest of her session here

 Sydney - See the rest of her session here

Vote for your favorite Senior Session!

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